
Saturday, April 30, 2011

iPad 2 Sold Out Within An Hour

I saw this photo from NST online today. They reported that iPad 2 was sold out within an hour after lauched at Mid Valley and Sunway Pyramid yesterday with almost 1000 units of iPad 2 were snapped up! By looking at the photo, i'm not surprised. Just look at the queue! I was telling 2 of my collegues yesterday that i just couldn't understand why people just cannot wait for few more days and get it after more new stocks come in, so that they don't need to queue like that. But hey, on the other hand, i also know that different people have different passion for things. I'm sure it gives a totally different feeling for those people to be among the earliest to own the iPad2 in Malaysia! Congratulation guys!

NST picture by Yong Chee Choong

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